Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Good Times @ The Tulsa State Fair :)

This is my little monkey that won a BLUE ribbon in the 6 & under Arabian Western Pleasure horse riding event at this years Tulsa State Fair. (We won't mention that they all get blue ribbons in this age group, or the fact that she was the only entry!) Anyhoo, ain't she a cute lil cowgirl?!! She was also given a pony Webkinz she decided to name Centennial after the sweet horse she rode that day. Centennial belongs to a dear friend of ours, Mrs. Karen Doney of Gooseneck Bend Arabians.
We looove horses. It'd sure be a dream come true to someday have enough land so we could have some. Maybe some cows, chickens and piggies too ;)

My other lil cowgirl didn't get to ride this year :( she's had some ankle issues and sadly, it was also time for the sweet horse she always rides, Willie, to hand over the reigns, pardon the pun, and retire :(

But she'll be back at it next year I'm sure, barring no physical reasons getting in the way. Miss Karen has lots of precious ponies to choose from. There is, however, something she did get to ride this year! Check out this sweet video:

Is she good or what?! ;)
Her dad had to get in on the action too:
Bahahaha! Good times!


  1. Ok...I'm DYING watching Scotty ride the bull!! Love.this.video.

  2. Stacy did u hear me say "don't rip your pants!"? Bahahahahaha!!!!!
