Tuesday, May 10, 2011

~~~My Beautiful Babes~~~

This is one of my faves. We spent the day at the fort (in Fort Gibson, that is) right around their 7th and 4th bdays, which are two weeks apart, with me trying out my camera to see if I could snap anything worthwhile, and lo and behold I did. These two monkeys of course! Now this is also my profile pic on facebook so a lot of people are familiar with it already, and it was readily available to upload ;) but, seriously I'm so proud of this pic that I just have to put it everywhere. I even developed an 8x10 for both my Mom and Mother-in-law, which of course they both went ballistic over as everyone should!

I have a dear sweet friend who is a fantastic photographer and will be instructing me in the very near future on how to photograph subjects in a professional manner. And seeing how these two precious monkeys are my favorite subjects, there shall be many more of these pics to come! Woohoo!!!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

My Fabulous Mother

For My Fabulous Mom on Mother's Day!
This is one of the many fun photos taken during our Branson get-away last summer. A week of running here and there, and doing this and that, with 3 grandkids, and two other adults in the Missouri summer heat and she still managed to look incredibly fabulous for the 3-plus hour ride home ;)
Here she is fitting her tiny little self in the back seat with her 3 oldest grandbabies for a round of Trick-or-Treating two years ago. Only fabulous Nanas do that kind of thing!

She's not too happy that I'm always shoving a camera in her face when she's around, but she's too fabulous not to! Plus this is a Christmas at my house, and in my house I take pictures of who I want, when I want. Ya hear me Momma?!

Well, this is all I can do for the moment, but trust me, there's a lot more where these came from! In the meantime, isn't my Mom fabulous?!! Thank you, Mom for being the inspiration that you are and showing me how to love my little spunky monkeys the way you've always loved me. You're the best!

Friday, May 6, 2011

My Monkeys!

So here are the two monkeys that make me a Mom!
This being Mother's Day weekend I told myself I had to show the blogosphere the reason my blog is titled Two Spunky Monkeys, after all, as you can see there are two of them, and they are both very spunky. And Spunky is also what my Mom has always called me, so the title could not be mas perfecto! (little espanol for ya)
I totally love that my girls are full of spunk!
More pics soon I promise :)

Photos by Melissa Poffel Photography

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Coming Soon!

So I'm super excited to start this blog thing! I read a lot of friends/acquaintences blogs and it appears to be fun so I hope to get started soon! Be patient though, it can take me a while to figure this sorta thing out ;)