Sunday, July 31, 2011

Fishin' Trip

I realize it's been a couple of months since my last post. To tell you the truth I'm still trying to figure out all this blog stuff and keep stumbling across new blogs that I cannot tear myself away from long enough to make new posts of my own. I do have a goal of being more creative with it once school starts back in a couple weeks, and hopefully gaining a lot more readers, if I can figure out how. Anyhoo, this is fun just to do for my own reference, even if no one else is interested!! I'll be glad I have it to go back to someday :)

So yesterday was the Hubbie's birthday, and all he wanted to do was gather up our two monkeys and take 'em fishin'. So we did.
Here's some photos snapped to capture our rather enjoyable fishing excursion:
 Off we go...

 Our little visitor we didn't really enjoy spending time with:

 Havin' a grand ol'time

 Maggie go the first catch o'the day!
 Birthday Boy had to help ;)
 So relaxed...
 Mal's little Perch (sp?)
 On the bridge...

 Maggie had to try some photography...

 She finally got it focused!
 Okay Maggie, enough!
 Her sweet Big Sissy...
 Didn't they do good?!!!

It was a great day!